Sunday, October 25, 2009

"It's time to nut up or shut up!" Tallahassee - Zombieland film review

Well not since Edgar Wright's Brit-zombie comedy film "Shaun of the Dead" have we seen such a great comical take on the zombie comedy film, Zombieland is a fun, hilarious, and surprisingly heart-felt film. Zombieland was directed by Ruben Fleischer, written by Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, and stars: Woody Harrelson(Tallahassee), Jesse Eisenberg(Columbus and the films narrator) Emma Stone (Wichita), and Abigail Breslin(Little Rock). The film takes place in the world that has become overrun with zombies and those individuals that are lucky enough to not have been attacked by zombies living there days trying to survive.

We are then introduced to our main character Columbus , a college student from Texas who has survived the zombie attacks and is trying to make his way to Columbus,Ohio to meet up with his parents. The way he has survived is by following a set of rules which are presented ad nauseum throughout the film an immensely comical way. Some of these hysterical rules are:
Rule #1 - Cardio
Rule #2 - Double Tap
Rule #3 - Beware of bathrooms
Rule #4 - Seat belts
Rule #7 - Travel Light
Rule #17-(Don't) be a hero
Rule #18-Limber up
Rule #31-Check the back seat
Rule #32-Enjoy the little things
and these rules play a crucial plot point throughout the the film.

As Columbus makes his long personal trek back to Columbus, Ohio he encounters another survivor Tallahassee who like Columbus has survived innumerable zombie attacks, and also has been searching for a celebrated Hostes pastry treat that will remain anonymous, I'll just say it has white creme filling in it. The two survivors make there path along the country way searching for something, life and the ultimate pastry treat. The two men make there way to a supermarket with some side-splitting Zombie fight scenes and in this market we are introduced to our two other characters Wichita and Little Rock. These two young ladies are grifters who have jostled and scammed to survive and aren't afraid to deceive to get what they want.

After numerous double-crossings of Columbus and Tallahassee, the four individuals slowly begin to trust one another and make their way to California. They decide to sleep in style in a celebrity mansion and not just anybody's mansion in a great comedic cameo, one of the funniest comedic actors of our time makes an appearance in this film. The film serves its purpose of entertaining you and also showing you that that when push comes to shove even the most unlikely individual can be a hero.

In the end, I have to end my review the same way I started it, when life hands you and kind of serious challenges its time to "Nut up or Shut Up!"

Overall film grade C+

Randy Watson III